The purpose: Yerba Buena Angling Club (YBAC) is to promote interest in the sport of angling and to sponsor and encourage the precept of good sportsmanship.

The beginning: The YBAC was established in approximately 1938. The first club's president was Henry Rude, a dentist by profession.

Who can join: Any person, regardless of race, creed, religion, or national origin who is interested in the sport of angling shall be eligible to become a member (see details on the How to Join.)

Activities: There are monthly business meetings held for the members. Persons, interested in fishing, are invited at these meetings. Speakers are invited and they present information of general interest to the members on fishing equipment and techniques for catching the various species.

At the present time the club holds fishing derby's for the members during the year. Boats, for the exclusive use by the members, are chartered for these derby's. These derby's are presently held for Salmon, Stripped Bass, and Halibut. Awards are presented for the fish caught during these events based on the largest fish.

Members are also encouraged to fish at other times on their own and report their catch in the derby categories. Awards for the largest fish within these groups are made. Presentation of the awards for the various categories are made each year at our annual Ladies Night.

There are also non angling events held annually (see details on page Non Angling.)

Our pages elaborate on the Yerba Buena Angling Club meetings and the different activities that our club offers to our member.