Benjamin Compton
I'm the father of eight children, a web developer, and an avid fly-fisherman.

My wife, RaLene, is my best friend  and a wonderful partner. And she does a decent job tolerating my affection for fly-fishing.

The greatest joy I know is the joy that comes from loving my family.
World Class Outfitters
Tibor Reels
Sage Fly Rods
As I mentioned, I'm an avid fly-fisherman. I spend most of my time fishing for warm water species, and occasionally go after species found on the flats along Florida's gulf coast. In sweetwater, Largemouth Bass are my favorite target, and in saltwater, Snook have my deepest affection.
I'm married to RaLene, and have eight children:

- Amanda (14 yrs)
- Joseph (13 yrs)
- Melissa (10 yrs)
- Stephen (8 yrs)
- Crystal (5 yrs)
- Lottie (4 yrs) twin
- Emily (4 yrs) twin
- Chandler (2 yrs)

Marty Martin is my fishing buddy, and a great friend. He's a professional saltwater fishing guide working in the Tampa Bay area. Marty and his Dad Cliff (another good friend of mine) taught me how to fly cast.
