British Heart Foundation


A serious challenge for a serious charity


Two of us, Leanne and I, are going to New Zealand (at our own expense) in November, with the goal of cycling 400km (approx 250 miles) in 5 days to raise as much as possible for the British Heart Foundation.


We are looking to raise a substantial amount of money for this worthy cause.  I am aware that some people can comfortably afford to send us a larger donation than others, and I would highlight that even £10 is a valiant effort and would be very gratefully received. (Love your Heart).


Maybe, you like me, have other charities and distractions that take up a lot of your time and attention. If that is the case, then we would simply like to thank you for at least being sympathetic and supportive of our fundraising efforts for this very worthwhile charity.


We still desperately need help with sponsorship to cover flights, accommodation, bike hire & food.  We will ensure that all sponsors are recognised on all advertising and press coverage.


If you feel you would like to contribute in any way, please complete the enclosed form and return it to us together with your contribution (cheques should be made payable to; “Bravehearts”).  I have arranged a FREEPOST address for your convenience.


Yours faithfully,



Mike Berry

PS.  We can also accept online donations on our website at;

PPS. If you would like to help further, we have sponsor forms for completion.  You can click here to print them out. THANK YOU.

PPPS. Leanne is a highly qualified Personal Trainer & Massage Therapist. As such, she is offering her time FREE by giving YOU a massage, and donating 100% of her normal fee income to the charity.  If you know of anyone who may benefit, please call 0800-915-8788 to book.

Please do not ignore this plea if you CAN do something to help!

Love life!  Love your Heart!