A voice with a feminine perspective, dedicated to the many who perished and to the few who survived and bravely carried on. Includes stories, poetry, tributes, personal reflections and scholarly essays.

The Jewish Holocaust Museum and Research Centre, Melbourne, was opened in 1984. The Centre's birth was the culmination of an idea, inspiration and determination, of two long-established Melbourne Jewish organisations - the Kadimah and the Federation of Polish Jews.

Descendants of the Shoah Inc. began in Melbourne, Australia in 1991 as a group of sons and daughters of Holocaust survivors wanting to explore our parents experiences, the similarities in our childhoods and how this would affect our own children, the third generation.

This website was designed to impart information about the Holocaust, also known as the Shoah: the persecution and mass murder of European Jewry and other minority groups which occurred in Europe from 1933-45.

The Sydney Jewish Museum provides visitors with experiences and understanding of the events of the Holocaust by allowing them to meet, in a dignified and moving environment, those who were involved.