How people think about me

Today's music "Pink Panther Theme"

Thanks to all you people who spend time on writing about me, I truly appreciate it. These are direct quotes, I'll reacts to them too.

May Chiu


Jennifer Tang

"Getting to know Andy is a brand new social experience for me since he is one of my very few net friends during my early cyber venture. With verbal communications and face-to-face meeting replaced by paragraphs of typed texts, the Andy Yew that i shall depict may lack a touch of reality since he will be a person whom i weave together from bits and pieces of our typed messages. As for whether this icq Andy that I know matches the Andy in reality, that is for you to figure out. To me, Andy appears to be the black sheep of the flocks. You may not like what he does but he doen't need or want your acknowlegement. Daring to be different and speaking his mind all the time. Of course, these qualities make him a moron at times (hee hee), but, there are many more times when he is this sweet guys forwarding me any songs that i like or will like : ) So, keep it up, buddy!! It's sure is a pleasure to know you."

Godwin Leung Chun Yu (Hung Lung, Choi Fu, Yu Lao Bao.......)

"Hi, my name's Godwin (Choi Fu), I am an old friend with Chung Wo since highschool. Chung Wo is a guy that has absolute confident to himself. From playing basketball, interacting with people, to hitting selected chicks, he got them all. Chung gets angry very easily, and when he's angry, he does all kind of crazy shit, like beat up people (even more crazy after he has watched 'Fight Club' !)
To me, Chung is a very good friend (if he does't pissed off always), he cares about my(and other REAL friends of his) feelings. But sometimes he's still a jerk, especially when he plays basketball, no body likes him on the court before.
I always don't know what Chung is thinking deep inside,and I don't think anyone knows what he thinks and what he gonna do next. He is a person that really hides all the things in his heart, and that's the thing he should change a little I think."

Myself : Yeah, I know him for a long time, he was in the same dorm as I am back in Form 1. I agree, I gotta admit that my skill was better than you. ahhahaaha Sometimes I do this intentionally, you see, who would want to be friends with some guy worry about his worry about that, literally a pussy. HEhe, getting touchy there I didn't know that I care about you that much, did I? just kidding, yeah,i care all of these geeks in here. Hey, on the basketball court, it's like a battle field, so I go in fast, go in hard. Yes, you wouln't know, that's why I write this page so all those moron our ther trying to figure out who I am can understand a bit more.

Raymond Cheng Hing Lunk (Ji Lung)

"you? a suck guy..ha i think , you have your own style...
not like the fucking teenage in hk . they are damn shit..
they pretent to make themselves " cool" but the result many ppl think they are a ba chi...
but you are not....but sometimes you are not reasonable..
you know..i "think" Wong Roy is really a cool guy..( just i think)
so that's why many people in the domarity likes to study his style
especeially , the lower form"

After I bug him to write me more

"damn it......
all my think about you is already type to you lor,.,.,.
ok..your basketball skill quit good,,as i think..
and ,,yeah.,sometime you are god damn lazy...
have little smart on your mind..but only to treat ppl,,not on study"

Myself : I like this funny guy, he's smart I think, but I dont know why does he act so much a moron, sometimes I believe that he really is one. See people, not that I'm over confident about my basketball skill, he's saying it too.

Clement Lo (Fa Sung)

"I know this guy since i was in hight school, in Hong Kong. The first time that i saw him, I thought he is mix, because he has long hair which covered half of his face with dark skin.
Also he was wearing the blue contect lences, which really made him looks more like a mix,with half Chinese and Indian. I hate to say that, but he really has a short temper, just a little stuff would drive him crazy. Time past by, after i get to know more about him, "
"you can see and feel the message "I hate the world" from his eyes with the high self-protection, which i thinks he just wanted to be love.
Anyway, he had been changing and learning to the good way."

Myself : Yeah, he's the one saw me smoking the first time,of course he offers it to me as well. "I didn't look like a HINDU as he said", man, now even if I join those 1800 number I still wont' get any chicks. haha. This guy is a true brother, but I got mad at him because of the whole drug scene, but he's always my brother.

Not Done, come back later!!