First, my name is Robert.  I go to college and working on my Biology/Chemsitry degree.  After that I want to go to Medical school.  I just had my birthday this March 4th, that makes me a Pisces = ) and yes I do believe in astrology and also numerology.  I have my reasons.  I believe in many things, seen and unseen.  This is partly what this webpage is about.  The other part is about my philosophy on diffeerent things, especially human nature.  And lastly, it'll cover my political agenda.

                  This is to get my ideas out there in case any like minded individuals stumble upon it.  My goal is not to change minds, thought if that happens then that would be awesome.  Hopefully those who already share my ideas will walk away a little more informed, a little wiser, with eyes wide open, a little more enlightened... not "illuminated", these days that's an evil word.  If you're like me you'll walk away convinced of what you've always thought all along.  And no this is not a crazy conspiracy website.  These are simply some obserations.  And no there won't be any far out theories here of how aliens, reptilians, illuminati, etc are taking over the world, etc.  I've heard them stories too but they will find no refuge here for they are illogical and there is no evidence that grants them credibility.  Is our government and our nation in trouble?  Sure they are.  But they are not being threatend by aliens, reptilians, evil masonic conspiracies, etc.  Our greatest enemy isn't terrorism either... it's apathy.

                  Voter apathy and secondly our belief that supernatural beings (deities) can solve our probloems are our 2 greatest threats.  This breeds complacency and conformity.  Our nation is in trouble because we allow dumb, incompetent, and emotionally immature organisms run for high political office without passing some sort of qualifying test or meeting a minimal criteria.  Someone who wants to go to vet school needs a score on their mcat as high as a prson going to med school.  They need to already have a bachelor's degree, they study for 8 years, plus however many for their specialty, they have to do all this volunteer work, write perfect essays, go through many nerve wraking interviews where every fiber of their being is scruitinized as if on a Miss America pageant, not to mention all the studying they have to do.  We have stricter rules for our aspiring veterinarians who have to jump through hoops on fire and ridiculous amounts of paperwork just so they can operate on 'fluffy'; yet if some macho, narrow minded, moron who wants to play soldier and stroke his ego by becoming president and wants to run for office we let him, completely unoppossed.   FOR SHAME!!!

                    American can do better.  America deserves better.  Like Nazzi Germany, like the Rwandan genocide, like the Sudan genocide, like Tiennamen Square, like Vietnam, like the American Civil War, the travesty of 2000 and 2004 must never happen again.

Books that I highly encourage reading:

1.    Sun Tzu's "The Art of War'"  it is imperative you become aquainted with this knowledge forthright.

2.    Friedrich Nietzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil" and "Thus Spoke Zarathustra".  This will prepare you to think differently than the
       feeble minded fearful masses.

3.    The Christian Bible, preferably the King James Version.  All the other versions are too watered down or distorted with progapanda to
       do you any good.  Start discerning fact from fiction, fact from embellishment, and begin to discern between opinion and deliberate

4.    Any, and preferably ALL, of the Apocryphal books which the religious authorities and pontiffs blatantly refused to incorporate into
       the Bible.  There is something they were hiding, something they did not want you to know.  Those banned books which collectively
       are called the apocrypha to this day remain excluded from the Bible.  In this day and age the heads of the popular christian religions
       still don't want you to know what's in them.  Therefor it is your duty to familairize yourself with their content.  Knowledge is
       intrinsically rewarding.

5.     "Communion" by Whitley Streiber. 
6.     Robert Greene's "The Art of Seduction" and "The 48 Laws of Power".  Upon their perusal you shall reclaim your duty toward self

7.    "Might Makes Right" by Ragnar Redbeard should be in every independent thinker's collection.  Going through life without this book
        is like going sky diving without a parachute.

8.     "50 Things You're Not Suppossed to Know" by Russ Kick.

9.     "Everything You Know Is Wrong" and "You Are Being Lied To", both by publications.

10.    A novel by Mr. Larry Burkett titled "The Illuminati".

11.    "The X-Rated Bible" by Ben Edward Akerley published by

More suggested reading will be added later.
On with the enlightenment...
Eleven eleven...

Before proceeding, does anyone know what this means?  If you have any, and I do mean ANY information regarding the eleven eleven things, please email me.  I have taken out a special email just for 11:11 and other 11:11 related material.  Please send any information to and please don't subscribe me to any weird pornsites LOL

Anyway, so far I know they're called synchronicities.  You're midning your own business and all of a sudden you are compelled to turn and look at your watch and there it is, the 11:11 staring at you... as if it knows you can't figure it out.  There's other numbers that do that.. and by "do" I mean, these numbers manifest themselv before you at the most unexpected times and for no apparent reason.

You can be pumping gas and all of a sudden the pump stops because the tank is full and it reads that you pumped 9 gallos and .99, it looks like 9.99 gallons, you get change form a store and all of a sudden you notice that it's 7 dollars and 77 cents = $7.77  You wake up in the middle of the night and it's 3:33 am and for no apparent reason you go back to sleep only to wake up at 5:55 am.  Why is this happening?  Not just me but to a lot of people.

Just today I was taking a practice test for my Pre-Calculus class and the questions were unusually hard, the computer decided to generate these ridiculous problems that were unsolvable, I did what I could and then at the end of it all I get my score... guess what it was?  It was a 44.44  See the computer grades you on a scale from 1 to a 100 but it also gives ou partial credit and so my score was 44.44  isn't that a little weird?  I see these repeating numbers everywhere, they're usually in sets of threes like 111, 222, 888, etc but ocassionally they'll be in groups of 4, 5, 6, or even 7.  On two ocassions I have witnessed a sries of 7 sevens in a row like 7777777, it startles you when you see something like that.

I have no idea why but for some reason I feel compelled to figure them out, as if they had some sort of a meaning.  Maybe they mean nothing and they're just coincidences but anyway, everyone I hear from or every webpage that's out there contains nothing but specclation and what people feel.  I'm not interested in people's 'feelings' on the matter, jus tthe cold hard facts... some rational logical explanation that can be proven in a lab setting or whose claims can be proven.  So I don't even bother to look at those webpages anymore... and irt seems everyone has their agenda.  They try to use these weird number phenomena to boost their causes or to give validity to their agenda.
11:11 11:11 11:11
?     11:11
11:11 11:11 11:11
For example, some people try to turn you into a vegetarian because somehow this phenomena in a convoluted way gives validity to the vegetarian lifestyle.  I have nothing against vegetarianism, I LOVE vegetables, sometimes a lot more than meat, but meat should never be abolished from one's diet-- we did not evolve for all these years into the sophisticated survival machines we are on eating grass and berries and nuts, we require meat for optimum performance.  Anyway, the point is that people use one strange unexplained phenomena to somehow give credibility or make their cause more popular.  Anyway, if anyone has any information on the 11:11 movement, phenomenon, whatever you wanan call it please send it to the email address mentioned earlier in this schpeel.