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May there be such oneness between you, that when one weeps, the other one tastes salt.

Everything in my life now would be different if I didn't get to meet the Lemires: Michael, Tori, Lael, Lasha, Shiloh, Azrielle and Moriah. Their house is a happy place, because there is just perfect love: between husband and wife, among parents and children. I am grateful that they have let me into their house and their lives. Every day I felt being loved, cared for, thought of. They have taught me so much!   

It is never quite in their house, only if they are not at home. There is always something going on. Michael and Tori are enormously interesting people to talk with; there' s been so many times when we stayed up late, involved in an argument, conversation or just sharing each others feelings, thoughts, ideas over an issue. I miss it so much! I miss having dinners with them, when we asked each other how the day was. I miss spending time with my little host sisters, playing with them, cooking macaroni&cheese for their supper, even though hearing afterwards that it's yucky because I put sugar in it, doing dishes with the oldest ones, Lael, Lasha and Shiloh, I miss listening to Tori or Mike reading books to them. I love to recall it and miss it all a great deal.  

The year that I have spent with them have opened the whole new world for me. Now I have two sets of parents (if I can call it this way). The first are, of course, my real parents who are the closest people I have in the world. The second are my God parents - Lemires. In Orthodox Christianity there is a tradition to get God father and God mother for a child when he/she is baptized. The fact that Mike and Tori are my God parents goes without saying because they were the ones who have brought me to faith in God. For which I am endlessly thankful.