Sgt. Ronnie T. Mathis
A Co. 1st. Bn. 5th Cav.
1st Cavalry Div.
NOVEMBER 17, 1965
Ia Drang Valley
"We Were Soldiers"
Read about Lz-Xray and Lz-Albany Here
Ronnie entered the Army in 1962 and was promoted to Sgt. E-5 within a three year period.  After his initial time of service, Ronnie reinlisted in 1964.  His tour of duty in Vietnam began in August of 1965.
"To Live in the hearts of those we leave behind is to never die."
picture above
The Backside of The Wall
A poem dedicated to our Vietnam Veterans
Other sites to visit
News Article by Paul Welch
"God's Perfect Plan"
A Story of Healing written for the 5th Cavalry Newsletter

My Tribute to Ronnie
by Yvonne Guidroz

He was such a young soldier
Strong, protective and brave
As war came to our country
In a land far, far away.

I remember the last time I saw him
'Twas the summer of '65
We embraced and said our final farewells
The last time I saw him alive.

He had such a love for his country
For his family and his friends
He happily went to protect us all
Though it meant his life could end.

A land called Vietnam; so unfamiliar
With terrain he did not know
But for him it was an honor
For his country he would go.

Plei Me, Vietnam, the other side of the world
From his family who loved him so
No words could ever stop him
It was his choice he wanted to go.

They were headed for Landing Zone Albany
A walk in the sun they say
They walked into an ambush
On that hot November day.

It is called the Ia Drang Valley
God must have loved him so
For He sent His angels to take him
From the land he fought in below.

The Telgram came and it pierced like a blade
Cutting and scarring my heart
Wednesday, November 17, 1965
Sgt. Ronnie T. Mathis did depart.

Many years have come and gone
Since that day in '65
The last time I saw Ronnie,
The last time I saw him alive.

I know now Ronnie you are at peace
For I too have found mine within
I know now your soul rests in heaven
And one day I will see you again.

News Article about finding Paul
Living in Morocco and Some Stories by Jim Miller
by Mindy Mathis Lawrence
Gordon Neal Mathis
Ronnie's only son
Under The Boardwalk
Parents and Grandmother
Neal and Moniqua Baby Pictures Together
Letter from a former soldier after reading "God's Perfect Plan"
Military Funeral Pictures
Boy Scout Pow Wow and Jamboree

We are looking for Jim Neville
Friend of Ronnie and family
Jim, please contact us so we can share memories.  If anyone knows his whereabouts please contact
A Final Farewell
Ronnie's name can be found on Panel 03E of the Vietnam Memorial Wall.
Stories, Poem, Letter and atricles
What Others Have To Say
click here
On the firing range at Ft. Benning Sept. 1964
Many thanks to "Purp" for the picture
Sunrise Ceremony November 13, 2005
Moniqua's family album.
Ronnie's Daughter and grandchilren.
Cemetery Visits