Resources for Teachers of Modern Greek

K-12 Resources

Modern Greek k-6 Syllabus resources In Greek.

Paedagogical Institute of Greece Site maintained by the Hellenic Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs. It contains links to downloable files (.pdf) of books for students and teachers of the various subjects for k-12.

Paedia Greek teachers' web server with information about the Greek education system, tests, educational games, school lists, teachers' corner, online correspondence and more.

Greek Language Centre A web site that offes instructional support to teachers of modern and ancient Greek language and literature. The site has downloadable .pdf files with suggestions for instruction of the various k-12 subjects and teachers' forum on educational matters.

Centre for the Greek Language A non-profit organisation that aims at the promotion of the Greek Language around the world, support for the teachers of Greek and production of suitable material for instruction. Informational page about the use of computers in the instruction of the modern and ancient Greek language and literature with lesson plans, links and powerpoint presentations.

The Greek Language Arts Teacher A great site with a lot of links to digital materials available online that support the teaching of the Greek literature. Here you can find online dictionaries for both modern and ancient Greek,online articles, periodicals, books and cd-rom products, poems in mp3 files, video clips from historical sites and ancient temples, and hundreds of links to other interesting sites.

Istos Page offering various educational services such as the retrieval of cultural and educational material (mostly from Greek museums and art galleries), historical sources, dictionaries, thesauri, translators, games, students' essays, personal web pages and more.

Thranio A site designed to help elementary teachers with the day to day teaching containing materials for school celebrations, theatre plays, songs, fairy tales, educational videos and more. The site also featrues online tests (downloadable zip files for Word) and interactive exercises on alphabet, language, geography, math etc. And for a break, there are 52 games of fun including jokes and riddles.

DIMOTIKO.GR An amazing website created by teachers with a wonderful collection of materials to teach elementary school with.The site contains theatre plays and songs for school celebrations, games for the school playground (traditional children's games), worksheets for the K-6 subjects, and teachers' curriculum guides and forums (downloadable zip files for Word or Acrobat Reader). An excelent and very well designed educational website in Greek with news, book reviews, riddles, video games,music and educational activities that can be used in the classroom to enhance students' learning and communication in Greek. The site aims at connecting Greek speaking students from around the world into one meeting place! Great!

Plefsis Links to educational sites. Invaluable!

Children's Folk Games Project* Greek Traditional Games A list of traditional children's games for the playground.

Students of Diaspora: Entrance requirements to Greek Universities An informational page.


DEPARTMENT OF GREEK EDUCATION Teaching goals and list of schools maintained by the Greek Orthodox Church in America.

Complete School A list of schools in Greece and around the world, with educators' pages, maps and message boards.

Greek Primary Schools and Kindergardens on the Internet Web sites of Greek schools from around the world.

Greek Libraries on the Internet

Greek libraries on the Internet Links to the Universities and other educational institutions libraries (some of them have access to e-texts)

Career Opportunities Teaching Modern Greek

Modern Greek Studies Association Jobs and links to jobs.

Diaspora Links

RMIT - About the Australian-Greek Resource and Learning Centre

Greek Diaspora Newspapers

Hellenic Republic - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
