Underwater Personal Computer

Designed in conjunction with the Australian Institute of Marine Science, the Underwater Computer would benefit marine scientists, archaeologists, commercial, police, and navy divers. The product is comprised of three parts, a virtual display mounted on the divers mask, a tank mounted computer, and a hand-held input device.



The chord keyboard and tank mounted computer



The underwater environment poses many problems to divers gathering and retrieving information. Designed in conjunction with the Australian Institute of Marine Science, the Underwater Computer would benefit marine scientists, archaeologists, commercial, police, and navy divers. The product is comprised of three parts, a virtual display mounted on the divers mask, a tank mounted computer, and a hand-held input device.

The user interface is the key to solving the problem of computing in a rugged environment. The underwater computer uses an innovative 5 finger chord input device and software, the idea of Bruce Macdonald of the Australian Institute of Marine Science. The diver is afforded complete control of the computer with a single hand, and "head up" operation, vital for mobile work underwater.

As a fully compatible PC, the computer can be programmed to suit user needs and adapted accommodate additions such as an underwater navigation system.


The System

Cut away view of the tank mounted computer showing circuits.



Early concepts inspired by marine environment.



Thanks to: Bruce Macdonald and Peter Moran, Australian Institute of Marine Science.

Dr Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, University of Sydney.



Contact me through the Industrial Design department, UNSW.