Reading music is so fun... Hey Meggie, whats that note again?
This page is dedicated to my cat... I LOVE YOU TAILSPIN!
Well hey there! I was just sleeping. Did you want something?
Alright, I'll give you ten seconds to take this stupid thing off before I call the police. 10...9...8...7...
Helicopter game
A little help here?!?!
Is that... tuna?
She was my friends kitten, and I adopted her after my other cat was taken away.
When she was 2 years old, she broke her leg after falling down a flight of concrete stairs... plus there was a goat involved.
Although she is a pretty happy cat most of the time, she does have her moments... and shes ALWAYS growling whether happy or sad.
Ever since, she has been extremely fat. In 2002, she reached 16 lbs. We have since had her on the Catkins diet, and now she's a 13 pounder!
broken leg
Reindeer Tailspin