
Soon I will lose my patience
I will walk away alone
Because I am tired of always giving
Always trying to make it right
I am tired of understanding
Of hiding my tears in shame
I have had enough of waiting
For you to finally decide
I have had enough of keeping quiet
Of the tenderness unanswered
Of the seething rage inside
Soon I will lose my patience
And leave it all behind


things need to be told
but the words will remain unsaid
words of friendship, words of hope, words of love
tender words, caring words
they will all remain unsaid


No need of you

Hide your fake smiles
I have no need of them
Keep your false words
I have no need of them
Turn away your lying touches,
your deceitful eyes and mouth
I have no need of them
No need of you


If you were here right now,
I would make you pay.
For all the kind words,
for all the nice things,
for the dreams and the hopes,
I'd make you pay.
If only you were here right now.


Will you turn away from me after I show you what I'm like?
Will you chase away my demons?
Will you fight for me?


Fight the night for you

I will share your deepest secrets
Bring relief from pain
I will take from you the nightmares
Find your quiet place
I will drive away the darkness
Give you peace of mind
I will stand with you
On the edge of madness
I will be there with you

come here, boy, let me teach you about the pain

you will tremble
when I call you honey
your breath will freeze
when I take your hand
your heart will quicken
when I touch your skin
your blood will boil
when I lead you into sin