my name is yman.
My Friend's Pages:
Umbro's Page
Roy's Page
Jimbo's Page
My Info:
Yman Cusi
              I have always believed in Santa Claus and Peter Pan. I guess I never really could convince myself to grow up. It's like everytime I see the world rushing towards the day and never really even pausing to breathe a little air and notice how blue the sky is on a clear morning. Naivitiy is how my Mom would refer to my philosophy in life. Nevertheless, I think it is better to be  naive than to be a clod. Hehehe. It's not that I say a lot of people are clods although a lot indeed are. It's more of saying that six out of ten people tend to limit the width of their sight on the proximity of their own existence. How many of us have always thought that Robert Redford was right in refusing Jane Fonda's invitation to walk barefoot in the park? And yet, deep down inside, there is that desire to feel how soft dewy grass is to the feet and how liberating it would be to just run like a mad horse (minus the slobber) on an open field of grass and just feel the wind brushing against your face (although albeit, it's going to be a completely different story if you step on canine poop).