April, Yvette, Phyllis

April and I went visit our Aunt Phyllis Christmas of 1997. Actually, I was there for Christmas, and April came the day after and stayed through New Year's. Most of our time was spent trying to sleep, however, Phyllis apparently doesn't do much of that. When she wasn't getting up at 5 am to go to work (ick!), she was escorting us around so we could get a good view of the area. She showed us Sabano Canyon, Biosphere 2, Saguaro National Park and Nogales, Mexico.

This is Phyllis trying to stay warm at Sabano Canyon. This is popular area for runners and walkers, six miles up hill (or you can take the tram). Once at the end of the paved road, you can hike up some trails to the top. We braved about 1/2 mile of the scenic walk. Brrrr! Of course, it warmed up in Arizona once *I* left. The rest of April's vacation was spent lounging around the pool while Phyllis worked.

Here we are in Nogales, Mexico, and still all bundled up! This is the building where we ate lunch. Phyllis' friend Mona graciously drove us all there, and then was kind enough to take the picture! She goes there often enough that she knows where we can and cannot eat, therefore, we did not go hungry that day. Thanks, Mona!

This is our after-lunch treat. April was not yet 21, but since we were in Mexico, that didn't really matter. Shane may still be upset about that! A lot of tequila and a little bit of strawberry for me and little bit of lime for April.

And of course, Phyllis would never forgive me if I didn't show her favorite view: the Arizona sunset. One of the main reasons she moved back to Arizona - her love of the mountains and desert.

And here's a sunset at Saguaro National Park. I'm not sure what year this was taken, but here it is.
