Co. Leaders, you have one of the most important part in this clan's survival. Your job as Co. Leaders is too make sure all the things that need to be done are being done. Such as training, recruiting good players and coming up with ideas to improve the clan. This is the only way the clan will ever get stronger. The most important thing is, alot of new players depend on the leaders to trian them and make them better players. That is our job and responsibility. If we can't help people as leaders, than our leadership means nothing. What will keep our clan members interested in this clan? What will be their motivation? Nothing! That is why we need to step up and help these up coming players. We are trying to be the best clan on Battle.Net. I couldn't possibly play with everyone at once, so this is why I need my Co. Leader's help. To teach these new comers what I have taught you on your way up. Try to imagine how good this clan could be if we all pitched in and trained someone.  Then they could train others and so on. I was thinking about challenging other clans in tournament battles. So that Clan SHaDoW)HuNTerS) can be know through out Battle.Net and respected. Everytime we run into other clans all we here is "you newb clan ya'll suck." We have no respect as a clan what-so-ever. We really need to change that. We are not ready for that yet though, we are progressing to slow as a whole. So I ask you Co. Leaders to please help to make this happen. I brought the clan this far, now I need more support. You are leaders and I give you the same power I have. I will not go against your judgement if you decided someone or something is not good for the clan. If someone doesn't respect the fact that you are leaders. Tell them to come to this page and read. If they can't respect you, then surely they won't respect me. The Co. Leaders Improved, faught hard and stayed loyal to the clan. So who better to help run it?
Clan Leaders