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Beaty of Life trough Sahaja Yoga and Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Antti, Kuopio, Finland
The Founder of Sahaja Yoga
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Before Sahaja Yoga I wasn't reaylly a Seeker. Or I didn't know that I was seeking. I lived quite normal students life, as you can call it. First touch of Sahaja Yoga I got from a guy with whom I shared an apartment. He is also Sahaja Yogi. I interested in music which he played and he told me about public programs about Sahaja Yoga in town. There I got my Self Realization and that moment changed my life forever.

After few months of meditating changes came. I gave up drinking, smoking and so on. New aspects of life came. I started realising true beauties of life, nature, arts, music, it is all so beautiful.

Sahaja Yoga is giving also inner peace, silence, lots of joy and many excellent friends. I'm forever grateful to Sahaja Yoga Shri Mataji and brothers and sisters all around!