Your posture is one of the first things that people notice about you.


 Learn to use your body and be aware of the way to stand, to control situations,
to improve your self-esteem and to be in perfect health.


Years of twists and distortions due all-together to psychological stress, days spent bent over the desk or at a computer, have fixed the human body into distorted shapes – hunched shoulders, bulging abdomen etc.

Inactivity and bad exercise has encouraged rigidity.

The joints have become stiffer and stiffer and the muscles have lost their flexibility, creating tension.

The result is a tense or a sagging body prone to cellulitis, poor circulation, backache, indigestion, headache etc.

It is time to react !

YOGA can help you.

Yoga offers a blend of exercises (stretching, holding, breathing), postural techniques and slow movements to restore to the body its flexibility and ease of movement. This also helps to create body awareness, give a balanced and proportionate body, with open shoulders and flat stomach, and thus

enhance your health and joie de vivre!

© Monard-Master 2000
All photos copyright