Who is Anjel Nicholas?
YOGA makes you young and beautiful  . .  INSIDE and sometimes, outside too!
Anjel Nicholas is a British teacher and CREATOR of The Body-Free Method : focusing on helping you connect and blossom through Yoga, T'ai Chi and dance.
Anjel is a caring teacher of outstanding talent. She studied Physiology & Human Biology at London University, taught youngsters since the 1980's.
Anjel trained in delivering fitness to adults-initially through YMCA programmes for aerobics and weight training. & Other programmes  included   'The Chi Ball Method' ... PILATES training, T'ai Chi apprenticeship and much Yoga.

Anjel wants to help you feel great, finding your OWN teacher within. She continues studying, particularly body types and injury, the subconscious, Meditation, Hypnosis, and Anusara yoga. Anjel recognises her many celebrated teachers in so many disciplines, whom she would like to acknowledge : including Chuck Spezzano, Michael Portelli, Inez Nicholson, Vikki Collins, Rita Hiaraz, Jenni Fox, Paul Gould, John Friend, Baron Baptist, Judith Lasater, Sue Hollingshead, Tias Little, and many more.

Anjel is a member of NUT, YMCA graduates assoc. and IDEA (The Health and Fitness Source) and is proud to honour its ethical guidelines, (Copy available through IDEAfit.com) Anjel fully insured for coaching the public, and a member of Fitness Professionals.
Anjel has appeared on TV shows in California, and on radio over the USA

Anjel is now a Seniors Holistic workouts specialist.
Why not request a session?
Enjoy the offerings, from the heart, of this Well-Being Coach, also Writer, Poet, lover of dance & Creator of BODY FREE Approach to Exercise.

We none of us look this way for ever, but we can FEEL this way!
See Links:
Body Free Yoga Chakra
Name: Anjel  E Nicholas
Email: yogandpilatesteacher@yahoo.co.uk
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Call or text 44 7958 630 255

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