Welcome to Yongyut's Homepage

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Hi there! I’m a Thai guy in London. I was born in an old capital of Thailand called “Ayutthaya”. When I was a kid, I dreamt of becoming a fighter pilot. Actually, I passed the entrance exam to the Royal Thai Air Force Academy but then realised that I could never be a fighter pilot because of my short-sightedness, I decided not to go there. I ended up studying engineering until PhD. However, recently I became more interested in business, financial markets, and political affairs. So, after PhD, I move on to work in an investment bank (what’s the point of getting a PhD in engineering!). Anyway, this homepage is pretty much like a collection of links and things that I’m interested in. It might be useful for you... or it might not ...

Personal Information


Political Stuffs

Favorite Animation

Aerospace Gallery

Friends Page

Japanese Government Scholarship Alumni Club

Thai Student Association in Japan

Thai-American Intercutural Society, Stanford University

Thai Student Society at Imperial College

E-mail to me at yongyutm@yahoo.com anytime.
This homepage is not completed yet, I want to do more.I will improve it once in a while little by little. Please come back to visit my homepage again.

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