Chapter Seventeen - Terry

Terry Adrian Bowerman

	Terry was born February 13, 1958, just 13 months and 4 days
after Tommy was born. Frances was thirty nine when Terry was born, and
she had a rough time with him. Terry's oxygen supply was diminished
prior to birth and he shed some skin as a result. His head was not
shaped perfectly and we were concerned about him. Doctor Judge laughed
at us and told us he was a beautiful baby and perfect in every respect.
He said we would have to use bean bags to force Terry to lie on the side
of his head we wanted him to and that while we were holding him we
should rub his head and shape it the way we wanted it. We did that and
it was not long before he was a great looking boy.

	Terry was much different from Tommy. Tommy loved to keep his
bottle as long as we would let him. Terry threw his bottles as hard as
he could when they were empty. He wanted no part of an empty bottle.

	Terry was jealous of Tommy and wanted to do everything Tommy
did. Tommy had walked and taken a couple of falls and crawled awhile
longer and then walked again. Terry crawled until he was nine months old
and on his nine month birthday he stood up and walked and never crawled

	We had moved to Bramble Road in Golden Springs by the time Terry
was old enough to go to school and he started school in Golden Springs
Elementary School. I think it always bugged him that Tommy was one grade
ahead of him, but he did fine in school.

	Despite his rough start, Terry turned out to be a fine looking
boy. He was popular with other children and always a leader.

	Terry was the average teenager. He did fine in school, but could
have done much better if he had wanted to. Terry always found out what
the minimum requirement for passing was and he quit when he got to that
point. If there were ten questions on a test and he knew he had the
right answers for the first seven, he would not answer the other three
if seven was enough for passing. If he had to write a five hundred word
book review he was likely to stop at the end of the sentence that gave
him the number of words he had to have. He told me several times that
anything above minimum was just giving it to them and he just wanted
what he had to do to pass and no more as he did not want to give them

	Terry was a competitor. He did not want to participate in team
sports because when he won something he wanted it to be him winning, not
some team. He went for golf, tennis, wrestling and anything that proved
he won instead of some team he was just a part of. He won more times
than he lost.

	Terry was playing some type of ball on our driveway and stepped
on a rock and broke his ankle. He had to have a pin put in and had to
stay in bed a long time. He was so miserable in bed that Frances and I
felt we were the injured before it was all over. He had a cast and I
know it was tough but boy he sure made it tougher.

	Terry married a girl named Susy but the marriage did not last
long and they got a divorce. Frances and I both loved Susy and she still
ccame to visit us from Birmingham almost until Frances passed away.

	Terry then married Joy and we saw him start settling down and
acting domesticated for the first time. They bought a house and have a
garden and dog and really seem to be happy. This marriage has all the
signs that it will last.

	Terry has been working out with weights since he left high
school. He weighs around 225 pounds and has won hard body contests
frequently. He seldom misses a day working out and it is the focus of
his life. He says he will continue forever and I do not doubt it.

	Terry had several minor jobs and finally got a job at Anniston
Army Depot as a key punch operator. It was tough going but the job led
to computer operator and then after a transfer to Fort McClellan he was
selected for Programmer Trainee and went to Virginia for a year of
programmer training and did great at it. He has been promoted until he
is now a GS-12 responsible for the main frame at Fort McClellan. Joy had
an excellent job in Birmingham and they are doing well and the future
looks bright for them. Joy left her job and is in training to be a
nurse.  She was really helpful during Frances' illness.
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