We were the first group to take the back way to Crown King, an old mining community in the top of the Bradshaw mountains. There was 18 inches of snow on this trail and it some times can be rough with no weather conditions but this was a blast and we had to help another group out by winching and towing them, This shot of my Jeep is near the top on the north side of Wolf Pass, we only had the snow the last 6 miles but that 6 miles took as long as the other 22.

This area was on the south side and lower down in a valley, we are trying our hand at a few of the bank areas at this picnic area, the areas in question are part of old mining roads and can be a challenge for stock 4x4s.

More of the banks, this is Toybox making his run up the bank between the trees.

Well there are times that its hard to keep all the wheels on the ground. My photographer has a hard time getting the right picture,,,, but, she's getting better!!
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