Notice Board


The purpose of this page is to act as a one stop shop on "The Edge" Scout Fellowship, it will include:

  1. The latest information on events (a quick programme)
  2. Changes of plan / New Events
  3. Important letters and notes
  4. Copies of application forms for events

Please see Newsletter Number: 6

1. Quick Programme

Dates Day Event Location Cost Arrive time (at location)
This will be completed once we have launced our new news letter!

2. Changes Of Plan / New Events

News FlashNews FlashNews FlashNews Flash

We have a new news letter imminent with a drammatically improved programme which we hope you can support. Taking a leaf out of our friends at North Watford Young Scout Fellowship we are trying to do two things a month, one on the first Sunday (by and large). The other being sometime in the third week of the month. 


WE have been thanked for our work at Harmergreen by the CC, for work done for an old guider by letter and from Watton Scouts via connection. We also featured in HSG for our work at Mission Impossible!

News FlashNews FlashNews FlashNews Flash

3. Important Letters

Subscriptions are due from Members:

If you are a Venture Scout and pay your subs to the Unit / Group membership is free, you can sleep easy at night!!

If you are a leader you must make a donation (nominally a pound) to help us out with the admin costs, which do mount up!

If you are "none of the above" then you owe us 15 pounds! Cheques made payable to "The Edge Scout Fellowship, Hertford District". Send them to our treasurer! ASAP!!

Yellow forms will be sent to you fill them in please. 

4. Application Forms

None at present