Welcome to the SCAT Ski Club

  • Welcome To SCAT
  • SCAT Comittee 1996
  • SCAT Membership
  • 1996 Calendar

  • Welcome To SCAT

    Anything that happens in life is geared towards the ultimate ski run. Can you handle skiing at top resorts for rock bottom prices, drinking copious amounts of alcohol in bizarre drinking games and partying with totally crazy people? Joining this club is the best way to meet people and have a huge time celebrating this thing we call ‘snow’. Whether you’re a beginner or expert, snowboarder, x-country or alpine skiier we know you’ll get a lot out the club that really ski’s.

    We have a social week in New Zealand (July), plus ski weekends at Thredbo (July- August) which are the cheepest around. The biggest event of the year is the AUC race championships with over 500 uni students attending (August). Beginners, Social Skiers and Racers are encouraged to come along. We also incorporate rollerskiing, rollerblading, and skurmishing as well as numerous social events into our yearly activities.

    To see what events we organise etc. go back to main menu

    SCAT Comittee 1996

    SCAT is made up of two committees. A women's and a men's committee.
    Each is made up of the normal heirarchial structure.

    ie President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and general committee

    The 1996 committee was as follows:

    Men's Women's
    President Nathan Maher Kate Howison
    VP 1 Andrew West Kadie Johnstone
    VP 2 Amanda Beaurepaire
    Secretary James Howison Mel Figtree
    Treasurer Jon Hunt Claudia

    The AGM was held on 18th October: The new committee for 1997 is as follows:

    Men's Women's
    President Joshua Knuckey Kadie Johnstone (Aunty kadie)
    V.P 1 James Howison Jasmina Dedic (Yazza)
    V.P 2 Claudia?
    Secretary William Nixey / Mike Izzo Amelia Harricks (Army Barricks)
    Treasurer Mathew Miernik Joe Stone (The Engineer)

    Now while SCAT is officially a racing club, we cater for a large variety of skiers
    from people who have never skiid before to those that could race at the winter Olypics
    As such our committee is made up of all sorts, including shredders and cross-country

    It should be remembered that even though the committees are seperate, the club is
    considered a single entity and the committees act together

    SCAT Membership

    Membership to SCAT has varied over the years quite significantly. From 200 in 1992 to 450 in 1995. 1996 membership was around 350

    1996 Calendar

    O’week ‘96 Wed - Fri
    Membership is only $8, here are some of the things you get for that measly sum.

  • Free entry into the SCAT raffle: A pair of $300 rollerblades, A $100 discount for the New Zealand Schmear tour, and heaps of T-shirts, water bottles and boot bags
  • Cheep Rollerblade hire (2hr for $10), and 10% discount on sales at Manly Blades
  • A 20% off Sale night at Patagonia plus really cheep fleecies through the club
  • Extremely cheep ski trips to Jindabyne, Thredbo, Mt Buller and New Zealand
  • $10-$15 off all SCAT functions throughout the year
  • Guaranteed, no less than five mailouts during the year to keep you informed

    SUSSS and SCAT Ski BBQ Wed 28th Feb 7pm $8 During O’week
    Last year there was over a thousand revellers, this year will be bigger. Meet other ski bums and pretty much everyone you want to know. Tickets will be $12 for SCAT and SUSSS members or $20 on the door. Not definite.

    New Zealand Schmear Tour ‘96 7th-14th July $950 approx 120 people
    The queues are short, the parties long, the snow is soft, the drinking hard. We won’t brag about it, but have been running this trip for five years now, so we know how to make it great. Speek to anyone who’s been on it and they’ll tell you straight up. How can you go wrong with 120 people, 6 days of skiing up to 4 different resorts around Queenstown, 7 nights of partying with free beer and wine, duty free alcohol and a selection of nightclubs, bars and restaurants that would put North Sydney to shame. If you need a day off skiing, exchange your lift ticket for a $45 discount on bungy jumping, white water rafting, jet boating, heli bungee, hang gliding, even skurmishing.... all close to the heart of Queenstown. Or you can sit and read a book all day..yeah right.

    Ski Weekends
    Two to three weekends staying at Jindabyne for around $55 for the weekend. Great for fine tuning your strategies on and off the slopes. Skiing, drinking, spading, hurling and recovering should be instinctive by the end of these weekends.

    Intervarsity (AUC) Ski Championships - Mt Buller 29 July - 3 August
    Unkown to many people the IV week is where over 700 uni students from all over Australia get together to go hard. With intense drinking games, thrilling skiing races and an incredible apres-ski agenda, this week is bigger than ..... bloody everything.

    Mainly Summer events are below:

    The snow may be gone but the party still goes

    The Big Nights Out Three Huge events that will make your head spin.
    Rollerskiing Learn to ski on skates, or just rollerblade
    Skurmishing We’ll have three trips to either Hornsby or Windsor