Douglas Carney

Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Home Phone: (XXX) XXX-XXXX
School Phone: (XXX) XXX-XXXX

        Objective:  To obtain summer employment as a Management Information 
                    Systems (MIS) trainee in a fast paced business environment.


                    Name:         Indiana University of Pennsylvania
                    Major:        Management Information Systems
                    Standing:     Junior
                    Overall GPA:  3.75 on a 4.0 scale

        Computer Skills:
  • Software knowledge: Microsoft Office 2000, Macromedia Director, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Internet Explorer, Netscape, and WS_FTP.

  • Programming Languages: HTML, Javascript (I know the basics), Visual Basic, COBOL.

  • Skill advancing coursework within the next year: Advanced COBOL, System Analysis, Database, Business Systems, information Systems, Operations Management, Finance, Business Communications, and Marketing.
Work Experience: (In order from most recent Employer)
Work Performed
1. State Farm Insurance Companies Intranet Web-development and updated program in Visual Basic 6.0
2. Sunnehanna Country Club Maintenance Worker
3. Frank Duca Funeral Home Maintenance/Funeral worker
4. Caddy at Sunnehanna Country Club Carried Golf Bags

        Hobbies/Activities:  Building computers, making webpages, tennis, 
                             hunting, Lacrosse Club, and Rifle Club.
                             Also, PHI GAMMA NU (A business/honor fraternity).