Photos added February 2000

Andy on a hike at Greenbrier State Park in September 1999. Check out the size of that mushroom! There were lots of mushrooms that fall, but we found this large one on a trail that we wandered along in search of a Barred Owl that we heard calling.

Andy on the couch with Flash in one of his favorite sleeping spots - right on top of Dad!

Me, Mitchell, Aydee, and Siena in 1998. We met at the Univ. of MD to catch up and play some tennis.

December 12, 1999 - Road biathlon in Columbia, MD. Slow riders to the inside!

December 12, 1999 - Road biathlon in Columbia, MD - that's me crossing, er, standing at, the finish line

This is me at the Monkton Station in Baltimore County (MD) along the Northern Central Rail Trail.

November 7, 1999 - Mountain Bike Biathlon in Fairfax, VA - look out, I don't have any brakes!

November 7, 1999 - Mountain Bike Biathlon in Fairfax, VA - that's me flying by Andy, the photographer. I only look like I'm going slowly because he's using such a fast shutter speed.

Christmas 1999 - Aydee, Me, Mitchell - showing off our gift goodies

This is Jumpin' Jack Flash, not living up to his name.

Here he is, doing his best WWF wrestling imitation - too bad I couldn't catch the body slam on tape. His competitor is a stuffed animal cat, which gives a good fight, I hear.

Another of Flash's favorite toys - a used dryer sheet.

Flash is taking a rest on the Christmas welcome mat.