Race Photos

Fair Hill Classic XC MTB Race - July 1997

On my way up the last stinking *gasp* hill!

Here I am riding toward the finish line, taking a moment to smile and wave to my adoring fans

A few seconds later as I'm about to blast across the finish line

Andy getting ready before the race

Fair Hill MTB Biathlon - October 1997

Coming into the transition area pumped (deflated?) to run 2.5 more miles across the wild blue yonder

Wakefield Park MTB Biathlon - November 1, 1997

After the race, we were definitely in need of a shower.

Mud buddies (aren't we cute?)

World Cup DH at Massanutten in Virginia - July 5, 1997

Leigh Donovan!! She went on to win the Finals the next day - woohoo!