Troop 26 Court of Honor 14 December 1999

Just before the Christmas Break (Many of our scouts go back to the states to celebrate Christmas)Troop 26 held its final Court of Honor for the year

This closed out another great year for Troop 26. January found us in Kandersteg, Switzerland for our annual Klondike Derby. Kandersteg is an International Scout Camp high in the Swiss Alps. Swimming highlighted February. April 1st marked a changing of the guard in the troop as ASM Matt Brooke assumed the position of Scoutmaster. May marked the popular Intercamp outing sponsored by the British Scouts this year. In July we went to Summer Camp at Camp Freedom. October hosted the German-American Camporee in Stuttgart. In November we hiked the Heidelberg Historical Trail. (Nice having a historical trail in your backyard.) Earlier this month we hopped a Bundesbahn train and traveled to Nurnberg to hike the Historical Trail there. A side bonus was the large Xmas Market in the Altstadt area. At year end, membership in the troop had exceeded 50 and was pushing close to 60 members. There were many other activities during the year including service projects with our sponsor, American Legion Post 3 in Heidelberg.

Come take a look at a few of the scenes from 14 Dec.

The Troop begins to assemble.

The Court of Honor has begun and all listen intently.

Matt, Ryan, Philip, Mike, and Adam ponder when their next Court of Honor (Eagle) will might be. Jason (Star) and Rob (Eagle) observe the ceremony.

ASPL Ricky Prichard awards Tenderfoot to Daniel Critics and David Carter.

SPL Cameron Bowe awards Second Class to Aaron Bowe and Chris Guyer as both their parents look on.

ASPL pauses before the next award.

SPL Bowe and Scoutmaster Brooke, Troop 26.

John Blombach, Jack Powers and Ben Pascular are awarded their First Class Rank.

Tim Kirkland was awarded his Life rank.

SM Matt Brooke reviews next year's calendar.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Troop 26, Patrick Henry Village, Heidelerg, Germany.

Scoutmaster, Committee Chairman and his Assistants

Joe Yoon demonstrates his considerable skills of pathfinder as he leads the way to the Crackerbarrel.