Guides - Hibok-Hibok Volcano PHIVOLCS Fact Sheet


      Alert Level      Monitoring Network
      Hazard Map      Volcano Observartory
   MAMBAJAO, CAMIGUIN ISLAND,  Nothern Mindanao (09°12.2'N - 124°40.5'E)


        Peak Elevation:  1,332 m asl        
        Type of Volcano:  Stratovolcano and Dome Complex        
        Main Rock Type:  Hornblende Andesite and Dacite        
        Other Volcanoes Within Camiguin Island:  
                Mt. Vulcan - located at the NW base of Hibok-hibok                
                Mt. Mambajao - lies at the center of Camiguin Island                
                Mt. Uhay - situated north of Mt. Ginsiliban                
                Mt. Ginsiliban - found at the southernmost Camiguin


        Recorded Eruptions: 1827, 1871, 1897-1902, 1948-1953        
        Most Destructive Eruption:  September 1948 to July 1953 - 500 killed  (This eruption prompted
                the Philippine Goverment to create the Commission on Volcanology, presently  known as
        Types of Activities:  
               Pelean Eruption (e.g. 1948-1952 eruption)        
               Dome building with nuee ardente (e.g. 1871)        
               Solfataric activity with subterranean sounds (e.g. 1897-1902)        
        Precursors to Eruptions: 
               Increase number of volcanic quakes/tremors                
               Localized landslides, rockfalls and landslides from the summit area not attributable to heavy rains
               Appreciable increase in steam emission                
               Progressive ground deformation (tilting, inflation, etc..)                
               Presence of crater glow                
               Appearance of solfataras        
        Phenomena Associated with Eruptions:    Steam Blasts                    Lahars                
                                                                          Glowing Avalanches          Fissuring and subsidence                
                                                                          Lava Flows                       Tsunami


        Monitoring Methods:                
               A.  Geophysical Method                     
                      Seismic monitoring - 2-component smoked type Hosaka seismograph at Quiboro
                     FIRST SEISMOGRAPH:  1948 (2-component, low magnification Vincentti  seismograph
                     installed at Mambajao.                
                B.  Geodetic Methods                    
                      Electronic Distance Measurement                    
                     Precise leveling                    
                     Tilt measurements (wet and dry)                    
                    FIRST WATER TUBE TILTMETER:  in the Philippines: 1958                
               C.  Visual Observations        

        Monitoring Stations:  Quiboro Volcano Observatory, Mambajao 4.7 km NE of  the summit


        Restricted Area - 3 km radius from summit        
        Potentially Dangerous Area - Camiguin Is. and North of line connecting Tangaro, Catarman, and
                                                               Tupsan, all in Mambajao  


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