A Camping We Will Go...

Birth of the Royal Order of the Low-Lifes

Below is the history of how this all began.

A camping we will go
A camping we will go
Hi Ho the Low-Life Gang
A camping we will go

Now that I've got that out of my system, let me share with you my latest brainstorm. "Kevin and Okey, I saw you two roll your eyes!"

Ron and I are the proud owners of a new travel trailer. We would like to have everyone get together for one weekend soon for a campout. ("Am I starting to sound like MOM??")

We can do this here or there. It doesn't make any difference to us. JUST SO LONG AS WE ALL ARE TOGETHER!!! We can do it in campers, tents or underneath the bright starry skies. I'm thinking about a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in July if possible. I bet MOM would like to go camping on her birthday. JUST SO LONG AS WE ALL ARE THERE TO HELP HER CELEBRATE. In fact, that weekend might be the best, because we could get several birthdays out of the way. It's also after a big holiday weekend, so the campgrounds might not be so busy.

If this idea appeals to you, or even if it doesn't, designate what poor sucker in your family is going to be the spokesperson, let me know, and we'll get together and do the planning.

You all realize we are getting on in years and we really should spend more time together while we we can. One of these days we'll wish we had. RIGHT??? Especially if we keep eating Roxie's noodles, huh MOM? Give me a call within the next couple of weeks. If not, I'll just continue to harass you.

The trail back to the main campsite.

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They are a GREAT bunch of people. Probably campers, just like us!