FIRN's Guestbook

Jordi Christian - 11/06/99 16:16:58
From: Switzerland, now Estonia
Age: 39
Gender: man
Climber: Ski mountaineering
Visited mountains: Swiss alps

Great, even in Estonia there are friends of mountains (not hills...)It's a great country, even if one sometimes misses the mountains...

Fredrik Jörgensen - 04/10/99 18:33:36
From: Russia
Age: 28
Climber: nope

Hello, I just wanted to say hello. My colleague Juri-Ott Salm har talked about this club. You seem to have a lot of fun. I live in Pskov, for two years, as a lecturer in Swedish. Tartu is the greatest town around, in my opinion. Have a great climb ! Fredrik Jörgensen

Oksana - 04/05/99 15:06:29
From: Estonia
Age: 24
Gender: female
Climber: no
Visited mountains: no

Hello dear friends! I have a lot of latvian familiars who are just eager to know where is possible to climb in Estonia. They visited Ontika last weekend and want to know some more places here. Can you mail me and tell me some "favourite" places, where you have been training t? Thank you in advance!

David Laaneorg - 12/15/98 04:03:41
From: Canada
Age: 27
Climber: yes, 6yrs, yds 5.10
Visited mountains: Canadian Rockies
Favourite mountains: Garibaldi National Park, BC, Canada

Tervist! It's good to know that mountaineering is alive in Estonia. I'm more of a rock climber myself, and boulderer. Great site, and it's good to see how active you are. All the best!

Simon Milward - 11/26/98 17:51:28
From: Britain
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Climber: Yes,6years
Visited mountains: Alps, Andes, Rockies, Scotland
Favourite mountains: All of them for different reasons

I think I might have met some of you on Mont Blanc, in the Vallot hut, a year and a half ago, Imbi Ruutel was there and she has just given me this web address. If you were there, thank you very much for looking after us and feeding us. I shall certainly n ver forget the Estonians who were so kind. Yours, Simon

Jason Hansen - 12/18/97 17:01:15
From: United States of America
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Climber: 2-3 years
Visited mountains: Rocky Mountains
Favourite mountains: Zion National Park region in Utah

I have enjoyed seeing sites eesti keeles, I lived in Estonia 1993-1995. I wanted to get around to see more of the country and experience some of your extreme sports. I couldn't find anyone who was involved in any of those sports. This will give me an pportunity to get ot know what is there in Estonia.

Kalle Kiiranen - 08/18/97 11:13:17 GMT
Country of residence: Estonia
Age: 44
Visited mountain regions: Caucasus,Tian-Shan,Pamirs,Pamiro-Alai,Jotunheimen
Favourite mountain regions: Tian-Shan,Pamirs

It's a very nice idea to make such virtual clubs. Better to find companions and change info. On my homepage there is mountains subsection too.

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Visitors since November 18, 1997