His Credo

We start out stupid. All we have at the beginning is the built-in wisdom of the body, which tells us which end to eat with and which end to shit with and not much more. But we are put here to do battle with entropy, and entropy equals stupidity. Therefore we are obliged to learn. Our job is to process information and gain control of it: that is to say, to grow wiser as we go along.
  If I am just as stupid when I am twenty as I was when I was two, if I am just as stupid when I am a hundred as I was when I was fifty, then I am not doing my job. I am occupying space and time to no purpose, and I might just as well have been a lump of rock.
  Of course, a time comes when even the wisest of men stops growing wise and starts getting stupid again. It may take two hundred years for that to happen to him, but it will happen. I am reconciled to the inevitability of that, I think. All that means is that entropy wins in the end, which we knew all along. No matter. The fact that we're fighting a losing battle does not excuse us from fighting it. The great human purpose is to postpone the moment of defeat as long as possible.
-Robert Silverberg, Star of Gypsies

Mayan Calendar Program Offering

Since it's important to know what day it is, Dick has written a program that converts Gregorian calendar dates to their representations in the Mayan long count and the Haab. Some interesting information on the Maya can be found at The Maya Astronomy Page. Actually, the program is a work-in-progress rather than a completed project. The current version is written in QBASIC , has limited graphics and seems to be accurate for AD dates. If you would like a copy of the source code, send an email request to djhoff@ix.netcom.com with subject "Maya calendar program" and, as a minimum, include your email address in the body of the request. The source code will be sent to your email address in reply, as an attached 6K ASCII file.

 Math 601 Notes:

To view some notes from an advanced calculus course Dick took in 1961, go here.

Some Recommended Links


(Dick developed this himself; Jean provided some solicited advice)
Please address comments to: djhoff@ix.netcom.com
Changes last made on: 30 Nov 2007

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