Greenland Tour Directory

Listed below are "chapters" with stories and pictures about my year in Greenland.
At the end of each chapter you can return here or go to the next "chapter".
NOTICE: This site will be removed soon. Replacement site with many improvements (and no shutdowns when traffic exceeds the free limit) is now at:
Only part of the pages are still here on this site. Check out the new site for all the pages.

Visit my new site for Body Language research:

Visit the Body Language Communication Center. Learn what is really being said by your friends, family, and co-workers. Discover what your body language reveals!

See our Introduction to Body Language for Flirting and Dating. You will be surprised at what other's are saying with their body language and not with their mouth.

Study body language for flirting and dating for more "action". If your love life has been dull, maybe you have missed all the "come here" signals.

Guys, check this out: Female Body language for flirting and dating.You can get there much faster with the map!

Gals, you better study this: Male Body language for flirting and dating.Guys are really pretty basic but women still need to watch for road signs to find the right destination.

Study these PICTURES of body language in flirting steps.It is amazing how we silently shout out our deepest feelings.