Archer's Background
Archer's Background

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Stand Strong Archer
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I was born 20,000 leagues under the sea and
my dad was Moby Dick and my mom was Flipper.

  • Single with a daughter who has made me a grandfather...

  • Worked his way up in the high tech industry
    to Director of Sales and Marketing

  • Now owns his Own Business

  • Born in Connecticut and now lives on the
    Seacoast of New Hampshire

  • Traveled the World

  • College Graduate (BS Ind. Eng. and MBA)

  • Full Head of Dark Brown Hair

  • Moustache and Glasses (No Tape on them though)

  • Older than Dirt... seen the best and worst
    of his forties

  • 6'2' and 195 lbs... and fit for an old fart..

  • Average Looking... (No I am not, I have warts)....

  • Birthday: May 3rd... Yes, a Taurus.....

Archer Can't Dance

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please feel free to Email me.
