HOW KENNY DIES: When Stan's sister is on the rampage, she chucks Kenny who lands in the microwave, and Kenny gets microwaved to death.

Stan is getting beat up by his sister, and Kyle has a pet elephant, which he thinks is great, except that it is just too big. So he decides to splice its genes with Cartman's pot-bellied pig, to make tiny pot-bellied elephants. Some other kids bet Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny that they can clone an entire human being before they can make pot-bellied elephants. They take the elephant and pig to the mad splicer up on the hill, who says that an elephant and pig just won't splice. He takes a sample of blood from Stan, and creates a big evil clone of Stan. The chef creates the mood and the drunk elephant and drunk pig make love. Stan's evil clone goes out killing people, and is finally beaten up by Stan's sister, and the mad splicer shoots the clone. The pig gets pregnant and has babies that look like Mr. Garrison.


Mad Splicer: "And over here, Swiss cheese spliced with chalk and a beard."

Kyle: "Oh my God! They cloned a foot!"

Kyle: "Damn, I wonder how drunk the elephant needs to be to make sweet love to the pig."

Mrs. Marsh: "Stan.. ..Are you on drugs?"

Chef: "Now I know how all them white women must've felt."