The news last night reported South Park got the highest neilsen (however you spell it) ratings ever.
This episode was really good, although I did expect a little more because they had so long to make it.


HOW KENNY DIES: Kenny dies almost immediately in this one. At the very beginning the Russian space station falls out of the sky and finds its way to Kenny. Kenny is brought back to life, however, and dies again when sliced in two by Kyle.

SUMMARY: Its Halloween, and there is a prize for the best costume: a ton of candy. Cartman dresses as Hitler, Stan as Raggedy Andy, Kyle as Chewbacca, and Kenny did not have a costume. Kenny dies, is taken to the morgue, but is brought back from the dead as a zombie. He makes the morticians zombies, and the doctor thinks its Pink Eye. The whole town quickly gets infected. When they get to school, Stan finds that Wendy did not wear the Raggedy Ann costume she was supposed to, so they could enter the contest as a pair. (a take-off from a Home Improvement episode) Kyle notices that everyone in the class is dressed as Chewbacca, thats what Wendy is too. Cartman has to change his costume, and he gets a ghost made out of a sheet, except it looks more like a KKK sheet. Kyle changes his costume to the Solar System. Wendy wins the costume prize even though she is just like everyone else, and Kenny gets runner-up although he has no costume. Then they go trick-or-treating and Kyle has a cool vampyre costume. Everyone becomes a zombie except Chef and the kids. Everyone thinks its Pink Eye but Chef knows. So they go to the morgue and call a help line. Chef is turned into a zombie. Kyle calls the line while Cartman and Stan kill zombies left and right. He learns they only have to kill the head zombie, and he kills Kenny. At the end everyone is dead except the 3 kids, Wendy, and Chef. Kenny makes one more attempt to come back to life, but a statue falls on him, then a plane crashes on him.


Stan: "Oh my God! They killed Kenny!" (That's Kyle's line.)

But Kyle gets a chance later: "Oh my God! I killed Kenny!"

Cartman: "Zich heil!"

Wendy: "Barf is gross."

Not many people have updated their pages with info on this episode yet, and I haven't seen it enough to remember any more quotes than this.