BSA Troop and Pack 112 of Parkville, MD
75 Years  of Scouting Excellence
Chartered Continuously Since 1924
PRIORITY MAIL: Troop 112 congratulates our new Scoutmaster -- Tim Myerholtz who takes over from Mr. Robert "Tonto" Testudine who will be the new Charter Organization Representative!!
Troop and Pack 112 are located in the beautiful Parkville-Carney area of Baltimore County (NE of Baltimore proper). We are a member of the Baltimore Area Council, Dulaney District. Troop and Pack 112 provide many services to the community, i.e., collecting and delivering food for those in need, holding car washes, and providing the "Scout" power for the annual Jerry Lewis MDA Pancake Breakfast at the local Tall Cedars of Lebanon Lodge.
Personnel involved with the Troop and Pack are Tim Myerholtz (Scout Master), and Joe Oakes (Web Master). Please check back often for updates!
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NEW! Congratulations to Jason O. and Ben L., Troop 112's newest double Eagle Scouts!!!
Online Requirements Preparation!
1st Aid Preparedness Exam                               Fire Safety Exam
Crime Prevention Exam                                     Safety Preparedness Exam
Emergency Preparedness Exam                          Wilderness Survival Exam
Damage Assessment Exam