Gavin's Little World Continues to Grow and Change, 
Hello there to all of you who have unwittingly let their browser bring them into the mists of my strange little world. And to all of you who have been here before and have come back, more fool you. It was bad the first time and why you think it might get better when you come back for another look i will never know. Well as your all here, not that many people end up here, which is a shame cus i would like that counter to go sky high some time but i dought that it will:( i had better try and entertain you so that you will come back again some time soon). So what have we here. Well just look to your left and you will see the all new and improved menu bar (I know you don't like it Paul but i think its kinda cool and its staying!!!) so you can fly around this site till your heart it content. 
Well you had better see who is talking to you, so here I am, in my full technicolour glory, Ok not much to look at but what did you expect Gavin Rossdale or something?
Ok so i have said that i would get a new picture of me sometime soon, but this one has character I think so I'm going to leave it and wait for loads of people to snap me up for modeling contracts and stuff like that, stranger things have happened, can't think of any but I guess that they have :) 
So you want to know something about me? No, then why did you click the "Who am I" button or was that just a mistake? Possibly the worst mistake in your life but there we go we can't all be perfect now can we. Well i'm Gavin Parry, I Live in a sleepy town called Mold in North Wales in the UK, so if anyone wishes to write to me feel free to click the e-mail button to your left and drop me a line. Umm what else, in 18 and have just left the Alun School sixith form. I thought it would be really cool leaving as i could do anything that I wanted to but things have changed, and now I'm lost for what i'm meant to be doing so I'm changing my home pages about (not before time some might say:). I enjoy the outdoors more than anything else in my life as you are free to do as you please and your only limitation is your own fitness and imagination. I wish that i could be out there climbing and walking everyday, but unfortunealty that isn't possible :( But when I do get out its always good for a laugh. Most of my walking and climbing is done in Snowdonia (yeah click one of them buttons on your left) and this is where my Gold Duke of Edinburgh Expedition took place during the summer of last year, see what fun we had but clicking another on of them buttons. I greatly enjoy the Duke of Edinburgh Award and spend a great deal of my time taking groups out and working down at Mold Open Award Centre. As a fund raising event we under took the National Three Peaks Challenge (27-28/6/1997). Click yet another one of those wonderful buttons to find out what it is and why we did it. And of course I quite like working on these new fangled computer things although I don't think that they will ever catch on to be honest. Well if you want to find out anything more about me just rop me a line and we will chat for a bit if you want. Oh yeah i can be found on IRC occasionally under the name of Stubzy (don't ask why I just do ok) I along with Smeg and Lister can be found on #Bradford and #Stubzy.Well if you want to find out what music I like click one of them buttons again.
Well I'll leave you to look around the rest of the site. Enjoy :)
