Some pictures from my recent travels in Europe...

Well, 1997 isn't quite as recent now ... anyway, here are a few pics to get you interested, you can start the actual tour from further down the page.  These pictures aren't small, but there are usually only a few per page, and most pages should load in under a minute at 28.8, so hang in there, or go get a drink while the pictures load.  Enjoy...

(above)  This is Wales's Cardiff Castle and the (hard to see) Victorian ring of standing stones in the park next door.

(below)  The view from my hotel room on Mt. St. Michael in Normandie, France.

Bon Voyage!

From here you can either follow the tour, or jump straight to a particular page--Bon Voyage!

start tour

Luxembourg  Edinbourgh  Conway  Caernarfon  Cardiff  Warwick  London  Ticino  Florence  Rome  Vatican  Venice  Avignon  Paris  Bayeux  Mt St Michael 1  Mt St Michael 2  Carcassonne  Lastours

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