Welcome To My Canoeing, Kayaking, and Rafting Page!

ancanoe1.gif - 77.4 KThis is my canoeing, kayaking, and rafting page. I have some links to boating sites around the world. I also have some information on the Allagash River in Maine.

Links To Favorite Pages

ancanoe1.gif - 77.4 KHere are some links to some canoeing, kayaking, and rafting sites that I've collected from the internet.

University of Florida Canoe (and Raft) Club

Canoeing / Kayaking Associations and Clubs

Canoe/Kayak, Atlanta 96

The '96 Games: Canoe-Kayak

Tennessee Ocoee Development Agency

Allagash River

ancanoe1.gif - 77.4 K I canoed the Allagash River in northern Maine during the summer of 1995. It was a great trip and I liked it a lot. It is approximateley 90 miles not including lake crossings. It has a couple of little rapids and lots of wildlife. One night the temerature dropped to 28 degrees and it was in the middle of August. Below are some pictures of the river and in the links section you can find some links to get more information.

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Nantahala and Ocoee Rivers

I have rafted on the Nantahala River about 7 times, and kayaked it once. It is pretty fun but last summer I finally got to go on the Ocoee River. The water on the Ocoee was like 30 degrees warmer than the Nantahala River. The Ocoee river was where the 1996 Summer Olympics Canoeing and Kayaking competitions were held. It has some great rapids and is tons of fun. Below are some pictures of both rivers:
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