You Already Know My Name
... So Here's The Rest

I began my experience in SCUBA diving in 1981 while stationed here in northern Japan. Since then I have been diving in many locations in many countries but I've always come back to this part of world. I think I've developed a real love for these cool, green, and sometimes murky waters. I have never tired of exploring new sites and discovering new things at sites I've been diving regularly for years. In January of this year I completed a project I've worked on for the last two years, DIVE JAPAN - The Aomori Prefecture. This is the first dive site guide and comprehensive guide to diving in northern Japan that exists in any language. I am working on publishing details right now an hope to have it on the (local) market this spring. Of course I've had this wed page up for over two years and I continue to post what I think is useful information for divers, not only here, but around the world as well. I have also been very involved in leading dive clubs for Americans stationed here. For two years I was the president of the Rising Sun Divers, and now I am starting a new organization with the help of some friends and dedicated divers. The new club will be called the "Misawa International Diver's Association" and will have a page on web. I'll retire from the military in August of 1999 and start my new life - here in Japan. I am happy to announce I recently married a wonderful Japanese lady after over 2 years of having known each other. I have always enjoyed my time here in this fascinating country and have made many good friends over the years. Now rather then say goodbye and pack my bags for a trip back to the States, I'll make my home here with Eriko. We hope to start a family, teach an "old dog" diver a new language, and live out a happy and productive life (while getting in alot of diving - of course !!!) For more on my diving experience and training here's a list:

JUDF Divemaster/Master Scuba Diver (Japan Underwater Diving Federation)
PADI Divemaster
PADI Master Scuba Diver
PADI Rescue Diver (an excellent course - I had to use these skills once for REAL !!!)
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver
PADI Open Water Diver

Deep Diver
Night Diver
Wreck Diver
Drift Diver
Boat Diver
Altitude Diver
Underwater Photographer
Underwater Videographer
Peak Performance Buoyancy
Equipment Specialist
Underwater Navigator
Underwater Naturalist

For those of you who might be curious about more personal information I'll give you a little. As of October 1998 I am 37 years old. I have been a member of the United States Army for the last 19+ years and if you read this after 1 August 1999 I'll be happily RETIRED !!! I am married to a lovely lady whose name is Eriko and we live here in the Aomori Prefecture. Aside from SCUBA diving my other hobbies include photography, camping, and of course lots of sightseeing. I speak German almost fluently, thanks to my wonderful parents, and I am learning Japanese (slowly). I do enjoy alot of underwater photography as you can tell by the images on these pages. I have had alot of experience as a professional land photographer so it was very natural for me to take a camera underwater and learn a whole new aspect of the hobby. I use the ever-faithfull Nikonos V with an Ikelite Strobe system and alot of various lenses and macro attachments. I recently began having images published in the "To-Nippo" evening newspaper here in the Aomori Prefecture. I enjoy the opportunity to show people who make their living from the sea, what it looks like down there. Even more importantly I hope people who see my images will have a greater appreciation and respect for the marine environment. I do take underwater videos too, using a Sony MPK-40 Housing and a Sony Hi8 Camcorder (digital is still too expensive for me!).

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All My Friends Around The World

Ed and Jeannie Comfort of ABRACADABRA AQUAVENTURES in Saipan, CNMI, for many incredible diving experiences and great hospitality!

Allen and Tracy in Pennsylvania, for their wonderful hospitality in opening their home to me on my last vacation to Hawaii (while they were still living there. Thanks Al for taking the great UW pics' on our dives last year!

All of My English Students at the Tomioka English Academy, I hope you're learning as much from me as I am from you. Whoever thought teaching could be so much fun !

Links to Friends and Associates on the WWW

In Other Worlds Another GREAT Stark Family Homepage !!!
Allen's NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series It's still under construction but it'll be a great NASCAR site when its done!

Divers WIT and WISDOM

TIP -O- THE DAY... EVERYBODY Pees in a wetsuit, some just would never admit to it. To really do it right you have to stop moving then give a good shake to circulate the warmth around !!!

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