Provides and prepares the facility

This very important team from the Blue and Gold Committee is responsible for all aspects of seating, decorations, and clean-up of the facility where the banquet will be held.

The Virtual Cub Leader's Handbook

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Physical Arrangements

Develop a Seating Plan
Den families should sit together. The arrangement will be determined by the size and shape of room. Where will head table be located? Will tables be arranged in U-shape, square, parallel, fan-shape? Will everyone be able to see and hear?

  • Plan for exhibit space.

  • Coordinate with Dinner Committee. Work with dinner committee on serving plan and allow plenty of room for serving lines.

  • Facility Availability and Access. Make arrangements to get into the building early on the day of the banquet to set up. Check restroom and coatroom facilities.

  • Set-up Planning. Plan to arrive early to set up tables, chairs, and exhibit areas. Have signs showing location of restrooms and coatroom.

Decorate the Facility
At the Blue and Gold Committee level, a decision should be made as to the extent and theme of decorations for the banquet. Some of the things that should be considered are:

  • General Decorations: Purchase and install streamers, banners, and signs.

  • Coordinate with Den Leaders: Inform dens what time they may arrive to decorate their tables. Allow time for people to go home to dress for banquet.

Facility Clean-Up
Recruit an adult cleanup committee. It is very important to have these individuals identified before the event. With an adequate number of helpers, clean-up can be a simple and quick task. Make sure to have trash bags available, and identify where bagged refuse should deposited. Leave your facility cleaner than you found it. Remember, the people that use the facility after you will know that the Cub Scouts were here last!

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The Virtual Cub Leader's Handbook

Important Note:

Some of the information on this page was compiled from the "Cub Scout Leader's Book" (BSA 33221 - Copyright 1997) and the "Cub Scout Leader HOW-TO Book" (BSA 33832 - Copyright 1996.) It is presented here under U.S. Copyright free-use. It is not meant to replace those documents, but rather to supplement them as an educational tool for Cub Scout Leaders.

Copyright © 1999
The Virtual Cub Scout Leader's Handbook
All Rights Reserved

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