The Cub and Webelos Denners Role
Denner Braid image

The Cub Scout denner is a den member elected by the den for a short period, usually one or two months. His responsibilities are determined by the den leader and den chief. This might include helping to set up the den meeting place and cleanup; helping with games, ceremonies, tricks, and puzzles; leading a song; or acting as den cheerleader. He should be given meaningful responsibilities and recognition to help him learn how to be a leader, so all boys will look forward to their turn as denner. (The short term of office is to give all boys the opportunity to serve. The shoulder cord is worn on the left shoulder.)

The Cub Scout assistant denner is a den member elected by the den for a short term of office, coinciding with the denner's term. He assists the denner, and usually becomes denner for the next term.

The Webelos Scout denner is a Webelos Scout who has been elected by secret ballot by the Webelos den for a short term of office, usually three to six months. His responsibilities are determined by the Webelos den leader and Webelos den chief, and might include such things as leading ceremonies, preparing equipment, setting up the meeting room, greeting new boys and helping them get acquainted, assisting with tricks and puzzles, or other worthwhile tasks.

The Webelos Scout assistant denner is a den member elected by the den for a short term of office, to coincide with the Webelos Scout denner's term. He assists the denner, and usually becomes Webelos Scout denner for the next term.

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The Cub Scout Leader's Book
BSA #33221B, © 2001 Boy Scouts of America

The Virtual Cub Leader's Handbook