Inspections Icon

Den and pack uniform inspections have both group and individual benefits. They improve the pack's appearance as they help develop in the boys a feeling of pride in wearing their uniforms and insignia correctly. Uniform inspections are morale features rather than major part of a den or pack meeting, so they should be kept short and snappy.


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Den Uniform Inspection

Den uniform inspections should be held several times each year. The den chief can be of assistance in helping to check the boys' uniforms against the official inspection sheet or illustrations on the inside covers of the boys' books for insignia placement. Two or three weeks prior to the pack's uniform inspection, boys are given copies of the Cub Scout and Webelos Scout Uniform Inspection Sheet to take home. With help from their families, they check to be sure their uniforms are correct, with insignia properly placed. Then about a week before the pack inspection, a den uniform-n inspection is held to make certain everything is in order. The boys bring their inspection sheets to the pack meeting so they can be marked by the person in charge of the pack inspection.


Pack Uniform Inspection

A pack membership inventory and uniform inspection is pan of the annual charter renewal process. It is held about two months before the charter expiration date. The unit commissioner usually conducts the pack inspection with the help of other leaders. Den leaders and den chiefs may assist in inspecting the uniform of their own dens. In a pack uniform inspection both boys' and adults' uniforms are checked. The following procedure is followed for the pack's uniform inspection:

  1. Set a date for the inspection and select an individual to be in charge. (This is usually the unit commissioner.)

  2. Two or three weeks before the inspection, furnish each boy and adult leader with a copy of the proper uniform inspection sheet. Ask them to check their uniforms at home and bring the sheets to the pack inspection.

  3. The inspector obtains additional help-usually one person for every eight members to be inspected. The inspection team goes over the rules ahead of time and agrees on points, etc.

  4. On membership inventory and inspection night, the Cubmaster assembles the pack in den groups and introduces the inspection team.

  5. The inspection team moves through the group, checking each item on the inspection sheet. Those members who pass the inspection are recognized by the inspection team.

  6. Following the pack meeting, all absent or inactive members are contacted by members of the pack committee, to determine if they are to be re-registered. This information is needed for the charter review meeting.




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