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Scouter Deryck's Scouting Plus Homepage File:

"The Salvation Army Scouter - an editorial "

(This short editorial first appeared in the first (and so far only) issue of The Salvation Army Scouter in September 1996. The purpose behind the journal was, and still is, that Salvation Army Scouters are in a unique position, being part of two great international organisations, are not serviced adequately by either of these organisations. To many within Scouts Canada, we remain an enigma. To many within the Salvation Army, we are seen as a fringe group at our Corps, not the extremely important social-church tie that we are, or should be. In recent years, Scouter-Guider Conferences have not taken place, and now that Girl Guides of Canada and the Army have gone their separate ways, it doesn't seem to me that there will be Scouter Conferences. We need to change this. I created the first issue for the Scouter-Guider Conference at Madawaska (1996) with the hopes of someone from Headquarters realise that we need better communication and servicing. So far, it hasn't happened. Hopefully in the near future, this will become an e-jounal.)

The Salvation Army Scouter

The Salvation Army Scouter is a quasi-literary and ideas publications intended for all Scouters; however, it is primarily aimed at Scouters serving within the Salvation Army Scout movement, formerly known as the Life-Saving Scouts.

Effective communication between Scouters themselves and varying levels of Salvation Army bureaucracy is necessary in order for the Salvation Army Scout movement to carry out its mandate: to further the aims and principles of Scouts Canada, and more importantly, to bring young men and women of Beaver, Cub, Scout, Venturer, and Rover age to a personal and saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Above all else, the latter was the prime purpose of Col. Rufus T. Spooner's Life-Saving Scouts.

It is hoped that this small effort will enlarge with contributions from across the Canada and Bermuda Territory. Everybody should have programming ideas that are proven. These need to be shared. A prayer, craft suggestions, Divine Service item? This can be your forum.

As we begin another Scouting year, let's remember to pray for each other, our Scouts, and our leaders across the country. "For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work..." (Colossians 1:9-10a NIV)


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