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Scouter Deryck's Scouting Plus Homepage File:

The Salvation Army Scouter*

Volume 1 No. 2 October/November, 1996 (abridged on-line edition)

*Still an independant literary publication not associated with any Headquarters, Territorial or Divisional.

It seems to me, that after eighty one years, there are still many within our Corps that do not know that the Life Saving Units (Sparks, Beavers, Brownies, Cubs, Guides, Scouts, Pathfinders, Venturers, and Rovers) (Ed note: this was written before the Srmy and Guides ended their relationship) are valuable members of our Young Peoples' Corps that operate alongside the Sunday School, Y.P. Band, Singing Company, and Youth Groups! And just like other lay leaders in our Army, we are, and should be, commissioned.

We have a unique position within the Y.P.Corps as both an outreach ministry, bringing children into the Army, and as an alternative activity to those children who are not musically inclined but who want to be involved in a week night Corps activity. If we serve only to keep one child who would otherwise stray within ear-shot of the Gospel, is that not an admirable purpose?

It is up to you and me as Scouters and Guiders to spread the Message and to further the growth of the Church through our units. The purpose of our groups, after all these years, is still "To Save and to Serve"!

 New Year of Scouting in Peterborough

The Scouting year started off on the right foot at the Peterborough District Camporee held near Norwood, Ont. Activities on the Saturday included both fun projects and cooperative games where the Patrol had to work together to achieve the desired goals. Following these, it was gate building time; however, we needed a table. So that is what the Wolf Patrol built. We may not have won any prizes, but at least we had something to put our food on!

On Saturday November 16, we invested two new Scouts and one new leader. The Corps Officer, Maj. Lindsay Rowe, and the Y.P.S.M., Mrs. Debbie Wombwell, were there along with parents, brothers and sisters. Hurray, our ranks are swelling!

To keep a record of Troop events through the years, we have started a Troop Campfire blanket that will carry camp crests etc. The Scouts are excited about this as the badges that are going on are bringing back memories from their Scouting history.

Before we break for Christmas, we will be going on a tour of a Tim Horton's (and making our own doughnuts), and are going shopping for a gift to place under the Angel Tree. We did this last year and it was agreed that we should do it again. This helps the Scouts to think about those who may be less fortunate than we are.

In the New Year we look forward to Operation Alert, Flat Rock Rapids Intl., canoeing at Brownsea Base, and camping at Camp Madawaska.

Did You know...

...that Rufus T. Spooner survived the sinking of the Empress of Ireland in 1914. He was a member of the Canadian Staff Band and was on his way to the International Congress when the tragedy occurred. Using his training from St. John Ambulance, he saved the lives of many of his fellow passengers. The band from Peterborough Temple went to England in place of the Staff Band.

Campfire Openings (from Scouter Deryck's files)

Tall trees that reach the sky,
Mountains and lakes nearby;
Draw near my friends,
Come sing my friends,
Our Campfire time is nigh.

As the flames point upward, so be our aims;
As the red logs glow, so be our sympathies;
As the grey ash fades, so be our errors;
As this good fire warms us, so may our ideals
warm the world.

(from Campfire Songbook, Scouts Canada 1982)

WANTED - Life-Saving Scout Memorabilia: badges, hat badges, flags, belt buckles, old uniforms, etc. Contact the editor at the address below.

For a hard copy of this edition, please contact me at scouter@(nospam) (remove the nospam) or at:
The Salvation Army Scouter
c/o Deryck N. Robertson
975 Mount Pleasant Road
RR#2 Cavan, Ontario L0A 1C0

Suggestions are always welcome as are contributions.