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Last Updated- February 14, 2009- Happy Valentines Day

Camp Timken has been given a stay of execution.  We still must insist on a legal challenge to determine ownership.

For the kids' sake

let's keep

Camp Timken

in Elgin!


For the latest news about events in Elgin, visit the

 new website

developed by Scouter Forbes Smith.

This site will no longer advise on current events that pertain solely to Elgin.




Check out the Kub Kar  & Scoutfleet   results from Feb. 2004




 See some history of Elgin


Welcome to a website that was designed and is maintained by a Scouter. This site is NOT an official site, nor is it sanctioned in any way by any Scouting body. It was started in March of 1997. This site will be a way station, if you will, on our way to a democratic Scouts Canada, as well as some historical data from previous years.



Here's the latest on membership stats across the country from 1990 to 2003.

Please CLICK here




Thanks for dropping by. 




A plaque hangs at the longhouse that shows the names of past Scouters who were active in the District.

See where we're located
Check out events that have taken place









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