In The Round Price List

Price List and Description of Carvings "In The Round"by Brian Graham

Prices subject to change.

Please e-mail Brian Graham to confirm availability and price.

Shipping charges are extra.

In The Round # Subject or Name Date Completed Price

(Shipping Extra)

Date Sold or Given Buyer or Recipient

# 1 Common Goldeneye Duck in basswood coloured with acrylics Mar 1992 SOLD
# 2 Scarlet Tanager in basswood coloured with acrylics mounted on piece of log Nov 1992 SOLD
# 12 Rainbow Trout in basswood with habitat mounted on driftwood (coloured with acrylics) Apr 1996 $250
# 14 Polar Bear in basswood mounted on base with habitat (coloured with acrylics) Oct 1997 Sold Sept 2007 Rhonda Heintzman
# 17 Christmas tree Decorations (3) coloured with acrylics Dec 1997 SOLD
# 18 Chickadee in butternut finished with clear gloss acrylic - mounted on branch attached to woodburned wall plaque Dec 1997 Gift 2003 Andrea Kawchuk
# 23 Blue heron in basswood with habitat mounted on driftwood (coloured with acrylics) Dec 1998 $250
#112 Found Wood (Caricature of a Carver and a Hounddog in basswood) April 2004 $50
# 25 Minature boot in basswood Jan 2008 $30
# 27 West Coast Native Bowl in basswood finished with acrylics and black shoe polish Dec 2000 $225
# 47 Picture Frame Mouse in basswood coloured with acrylics April 2002 $80
# 101 Golfer Caricature on Tee Box March 2004 Gift Sept 2006 Gift City View Golfers
# 180 Small Oars (Food Spreaders) March 2008 Commission May 2008 Gift Katherine Arkay
# 191 Whimiscal House Cottonwood Bark Jan 2009 $100 Gift
# 192 Porcupine Toothpick Holder March 2009 $40 Gift