(Pferdewirt FN)
 Certified German trainer


My Thoughts about improving communication (proper aids) between horse and rider:

In today's classical riding instructions  predominantly the so-called artificial assistance are treated, which cannot be understood without extensive trainings(conditionings) of  the horse. Many discords between horses and riders are   resulting  from (mostly unwittingly) neglectings  of this fact by riders!

Lots of riders despair to their riding skills, cause they are using aids they have learned from an instruction book, negating that the poor horse, treated with such aids, is unable to read and ignorant.

The horse couldln't  finally know that the rider read a book!

The equestrian  literature presented at the market is mostly a produkt of copying  since ages, a few beautiful pictures  and some own thoughts in addition
 finished is  the new riding instructing.

This procedure offers still the advantage,  that facts borrowed from an equestrian Bible dont needed to be disussed, cause since ages (mostly at the Cavallery) it had been done, like shown there.

Probably  the predicates contained there, are correct but it must be  realized  for which purposes, for which clienteles with what kind of equestrian backgrounds, these books where written for.

 Fast  then is  still forgotten that it is a difference to exercise  a horse for a kilometer-long march under heavy luggage or for a few stretched strides  on the square.

Here I would   also like to  point out that  training of horses and riders  can be diametric sometimes.

For example some " old masters " mounted their horses only after they were piaffed in the pilares . That shows , that  the riding background of these people was a completely different , from the riding abilities of amateurs and professionals nowadays.

Foreseen of the fact that these authors could select themselves  the best horses available, while average riders nowadays itselfs feel bounded or are bounded to their owned horse, and  looking  up  for a way, to achieve with the  available horse self  defined targets, if possible without self-endangerment.

The today's riding teachers have the really difficult function to coordinate rider  and horses in a  given costing and time framework.

The high level dressage riders  have an additional problem.  For any optical reasons,  the horses bred for the highschool exspecially are disliked from the judges.

  The sport rider sees himself  placed to  the difficult function to train horses which exteriereur actually is not bred   for these duties,  nevertheless in the lessons of the high school.  The frequently bad, piaffs  high-praised nevertheless of  tv speakers, are acknowledging this impressions.

The aids , described predominantly in classic riding literature,presuppose  a very high level of training of the horse , or it is tacitly presupposed that it concerns a  " normal "  functioning (I use this terrible printout consciously) and built horse.  Excludes thereby is  how one trains a horse to  the acceptance of these aids.

   I  prefered " trains ",  to the beautiful term " work ".
 Acceptance of the propper aids is not only a psychological kind of willing of the horse.  It must be shown  to the rider,   that for certain aids and execution of lessons also physiche prerequisites must be available by  the horse, which can be  obtained only by a systematic gym.

Its  to be noticed that there are two categories of aids:
Natural aids:
 the horse is about to understand without conditioning

Learnable aids (artificial aids):
will be  understood from the horse only after one  Konditinierung

 Weight aids

Natural aids:  blocked, working   restraining.
Artificial aids:
working  pushing forward, possibly collecting , if  the horse's back bend  was stretched by gymn.   Without expansion of the back tape it is not possible for the horse, to place the hind legs with swinging back  under the point of gravity.  Therefore also high level instructors recommend to start the pre piaffs with the  the so-called light  seat and  not to begin with the full seat.

With raising exercises,  the horse will learn to place  his hind quarters  under the point of gravity by full seat.

At the training of new lessons let the horse relax after samallest success.  Thats the best reward for a horse, eases the rider 's nerves and avoids lots of resitants.  Resistants of   the horse is resulted frequently from pain, which the execution of the lesson in a certain attitude causes.

Therefore do not require the perfect execution of a lesson during a longer period   from the outset. Start  New lessons at the end of the training unit only and dismount after not perfect execution too. Do not repeat under any circumstances the new lesson.

For example teaching of the the full halt:

Start with easy seat preassures
Stop  initiating the pressures again if the horse is going slower. Give slag in the reins if the horse shows willing to follow your aids. Dont try to stop with one aid, repeat them if the horse does not stop . And dont correct the attitutes of the head first times. I f u correct the horse is going to think that it will be punished by the briddle if it stops.

This is the key  to to teach all aids , taking fences etc..

Another example:
Teaching of waterjumps. Take it first time a the end of the training unit , dismount ( at any case, exspecially if the horse had jumped into , dont repeat)  and walk with your  horse to the barn and feed .
Again in summary:
In the instruction phase of  a  lesson do not require the perfect practice!!!

Please, do not understand my lines as a challenge to the classical Reiterei.  Not at all. It concerns the interpretation.  A conformity in placing aids should be except the horses exterieur or interieur do require others. For most aids the classical riding instruction has a whole number of comprehensible arguments. Horses can be teached to  react of a whole number of different aids for the same lesson. But the big question is,  which riding isntruction is the mos classic one?? the French, the austrian, the german???

On the other hand  westernrriders  must ask themselves, what they want to do.  Horses breaking in?  Let  the poor animals in the glowing sun thirsting, starving?  Days-long driving, of  a thirsting and starving Bronco with again and again freshly brought horses, how the horse whisperer showed on tv as a new method of riding???

Probably not.

The westenstyle riders are  dealing itselfs predominantly with the natural aids!!  This  is a material statement and not a devaluation of the priciples of classical school or an upgrading of  western style.  I would like to compare the non show operated western and classical school  with the so-called Campagneschool.The organization of the classic school  campaign school and higher school quite made sense.  The misunderstandings described above do not step then so easily on.

For my terms the nowadays classic riding  school is  concentrating  too much on pure riding.  The other part of the Horsemanship comes thereby into oblivion.  The so-called habit exercises are there to a large extent unknown.

It will probably be, that  the basic training of each horse, which is not squeezed  for fast sales, should be done in the same or identical way.

Who is dealing  with any kind of competition must implement for itself that he departs from the basic riding school.
Classic and western competitions contain elemts of show.

Classic style riders are confrontaed with the problem of diverging between regulations and judging. So Dr. Schulten Baumer told at an interview.
Is also not crucial, which type of the Reiterei one operates, but
deciding is  " how " its done.

I know  that the boundaries between natural and artificial aids are flowing and  proper aids finaly are determinded of the  horse's sensitivity.

 The distinction into natural and artificial assistance is however more than an abstract model of thoughts.  It helps to avoid  problems  communication and walking into riders dead ends.

Never forget :
aids  are aids, no  punishments!
I  hope, my lines werenot not too boring, and energizes a little bit  for thinking. For riding have to be used brain and butt.

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