> George & Saralene Hopkins Homepage

Welcome to our Guestbook!

Danny Townsend - 11/25/00 21:12:13
My Email:DannymTownsend@hotmail.com

I love you grandma and grandpa!

Lyle Zacker - 05/26/00 05:10:50
My Email:cactus@revelstoke.net

Well put together.

George Webb - 02/18/00 13:23:04
My Email:cwebb@intplsrv.net

I really love your website.

Wade Bush - 11/25/99 02:50:59

Hey George! I finally had a chance to check out your website and it is great. Hope to see you from time to time on the rails next summer on the Rocky Mountaineer. Take care till then. Wade Bush

Colleen - 11/10/99 19:16:14
My Email:acalk@spacestar.com

Nice note you sent to Heather! I think she was about 9 when my dad died and remembers him well, so I am sure it was great for her to have you write about the person he was in your life. Thanks!

Margie McElyea - 10/20/99 15:40:45
My Email:MMce186105@zol.com

I enjoyed your web page. I found we have something in common. I have two cats. I loved the pictures of the hummingbirds. I have 12 feeders on my front porch and some days have to fill all of them twice, but the ruby reds are the only ones we have here. Yo r sister Bonnie's dolls were great. I crochet dresses from the 1800 and early 1900's to fit barbie dolls.

James Joyner - 09/23/99 21:34:29
My Email:joyner2@aol.com

Very nice home page.

Cora Lee - 08/06/99 13:54:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/BourbonStreet/Bayou/1185/
My Email:Muck101@aol.com

Bubba, I've been to your homepage many times but never took time to sign the guestbook. I think you have a great homepage. I'll come back every chance I get to click on another link.

Kay - 07/27/99 03:04:26

Your homepage was done in very good taste. The pictures are beautiful.

Aunt Lois - 07/17/99 23:14:47

You have a beautiful family, its been a long time since I've seen you guys. I'm spending a couple of weeks visiting the grandkids, the kids just happen to be here now too.

Dan and Noel Johnson - 07/11/99 01:08:40

Looks good. You have this web thing downpat. Don't you? Love Dan

Cherie - 07/10/99 21:53:30
My Email:cburton@pressenter.com

The air must be great up there, you guys have not aged since the last time I saw you, which has been years. You look great and have a great looking family. I love all the red hair. Cherie

RICHARD CURLEE - 07/10/99 15:15:39
My Email:curlee@houston.quik.com

This is a really beautiful family. Thanks for sending the link.

Debby Townsend - 04/12/99 20:44:45
My Email:_Nala10@excite.com

Great home page mom and dad!

Chris Lardy - 04/08/99 20:16:37
My Email:clardy@rconnect.com

Loved your website especially the pic of Debby's boys! With all that red hair you sure can tell they belong to this huge extended family.

Alan M. Young - 03/20/99 06:20:05
My Email:ayoung@cablelan.net

I finally got the ThingMaker plugin, but cannot see what it is for. Good work so far. Nice pics of the town. Alan

Freula - 03/19/99 23:05:30
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/BourbonStreet/Bayou/1193
My Email:Freula@aol.com

I enjoyed your homepage. Good job. Keep updating, I'll keep visiting. Freula

George Hopkins - 03/19/99 03:07:36
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Yosemite/Cabin/4624
My Email:ghopkins@cablelan.net

This is entry number 1. The guestbook is now ready for everyone to make entries. George

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