Welcome to Troop 360

We're Sponsored by,

Trinity United Methodist Church

135 Adams St.

In Port Clinton, Ohio 43452 USA

This is a Scouting Site !!!

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Perry's Monument, South Bass Island, on Lake Erie.

Put an Island in your Life !

Our Troop Sponsors a "Scout Camporee" on Put-In-Bay Island,
the weekend after Labor day, every year.
Our Camporee was spot lighted in the USA National Scouting Magizine, March - April Issue, 2001.
Check out OUR Camporee - HERE,

The 2008 Camporee was a great sucess, Thanks to everyone that came.

We hold our Camporee the weekend after Labor day every year,
and we're are limited in the amount of reservations we can accept,
You can request Reservation Packets for the 2009 Put-in-Bay Camporee
Ask for yours Here !

Reservation Packets are sent out in April each year to everyone on our mailing list.

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Be a Name Dropper !!!

Take time to Sign Our Guest Book, and see what other Scouters, have to say.

Sign Our Guest Book    or:   View Our Guestbook

Our Troop went to Philmont Boy Scout Reservation in 1996

We went to Northern Tier Canoe Base in 1997.

We went to to Philmont Boy Scout Reservation In July of 1998 too.

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"I wanna go back to Philmont."


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Site Started 9/1/97

Site last updated 4-22-2008